It was one of those Saturdays, which had boredom written all over it from the moment I had woken up. More so after all the time that was spent in the preceding months on the online tests, projects, assignments. It felt more the Bangalore way! However, there were subtle differences in this Saturday with the way I had spent in my three years of stay in Bangalore. For, there were no books / newspapers to read, no TV to be glued to in the middle of the IPL season, no clothes to be washed in the washing machine and no weekend MBA coaching classes. While it may seem a long time that I attended the coaching classes, yet the very first thing that comes to my mind about a weekend is attending the TIME classes.
So, here I am, surfing my way to boredom, checking the usual forums/ tweets which keep me occupied just about everyday. But as they say, prolonged usage of every thing meant boredom was meant to creep in. And at this point, in walked Hari, the frustrated bank intern. “Lets watch a movie”, said he. And the next minute, I was in his room. So Cast Away it was. And I didn’t mind it watching second time. There are very few Tom Hanks’ movies which one wouldn’t want to catch again. And with the movie accompanies Tattai (south Indian version of Matthiyan), Mysore Pakh and Sohan Papdi. While the movie took its turn towards Robinson Crusoesque story, we decided to have lunch and then move on. Post lunch, it was back to surfing and boredom creped in yet again. A few hours into the evening, Potta comes calling, asking me to drop him to the nearest bus station. No wonder where is he headed :P.
This meant, I had the bike and an evening to spend. The frustrated bank intern was also vying for a change, and that made the duo move out. A stop at the petrol pump meant a bigger plan was in store. What was thought to be a sojourn, turned out to be a bigger, better joy ride. A quick dash to the Wakad crossing, and the left indicator was flashed impromptu. And with this we were on the highway. The engine revved up to 70 kph and it seemed like a never ending highway. “Chalo lets go to the Mumbai – Pune Highway” was my call, which was nodded in favour by the pillion. Hari, having never commuted on the expressway, expressed his desire to check it out, but for the rules that mandate it to be used by the “Big Boys”. Well that didn’t deter us from returning and instead we headed straight to the old highway NH4. The highway, which runs parallel to the expressway, had been explored before. However, this time it was different, for the two wheel drive was adding the thrill to the whole experience.
And within no time we were burning tyres on NH4. As we crossed the Toll collection gate (which obviously is free for the bikers) Hari came with yet another idea – Toni Da Dhaba. TDD has been special for us in more ways than one! A quick call was made to VK about his plans. VK’s refusal, however, wasn’t a dampener and we were in TDD in no time. What followed was completely uncalled for. A biker duo, with no intentions to drink, and to create the ruckus that follows, was denied the “coveted” sitting area. “Family section hai sahib, aap nahi baith sakte”. The altercation followed till it had reached to the threshold limits of the bikers. And without getting exasperated, we left, our positions on the bike being swapped. A stone’s throw away from TDD, we found a new place, called Wheels, which had a few swanky cars, and loud music, enough for the starved bikers to walk in. We decided to have dinner, with the grudge of having to dine without VK. While dinner was wrapped up in no time, the journey back home beckoned us. The drive back home was as soothing as it could get. The boredom had been kicked off from the minds and had unleashed a fresh lease of life. Hari managed to get it close to 100 Ks an hour. “How I drive, depends on my mood” says he. Well that sure is an indication of how we felt throughout the day. Another 30 minutes and 30 kms later, we were back in the hostel, but with a difference. Yes the two hour drive changed the mental state of being, it changed the way Sunday was to follow, it changed the approach that we seemed to have adopted toward our internship. “I will start doing something new from Monday yaar” was what I said. “Haan yaar, even I will sleep on time and get up on time, and see I will make the best report amongst all the interns” was Hari’s reply. Guess the drive was one of those boosters that pumped us? Guess we all need to go on long drives, time and again! Guess this is what is meant by “change”! Guess this blog entry wouldn’t have been possible without Potta’s Mumbai visit! Guess its time I said “A bike and a highway made it a beautiful Saturday!”
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